Just a reminder: please send a drink with your child tomorrow to school for our Thanksgiving feast. Everything else will be provided and you do not need to send a lunch, but every child needs a drink. We will be giving thanks for all the joys this class has had and much more...
what we are thankful for:
William: "My bed"
Tyler: "My family"
Chris: "The three kings"
Anna: "Air"
Sarah: "My family"
Andi: "Things I have"
Ana Christina: "Everything"
Quinn: "My toys and video games"
Olivia M.: "To live on this planet"
Aidan: "Numbers"
Lauren: "My sister"
Kate: "Mrs. Shepard" (thanks Kate!)
Jon: "My computer"
Avery: "My family"
Olivia R.: "My stuffed animals"
Janani: "My friends"
Rebekka: "My family"
Ben: "Mrs. Moss"
Corrinne: "My three cats"
As teachers we are very thankful for each and everyone of our students. They are very sweet and make teaching a joy!
(we are also very thankful for all of you following the blog)