Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Turkeys and Our Smartboard

Our November family project was a great success. Our turkeys were so cute, we just had to share them with you all. The turkey’s are escaping the Thanksgiving table by pretending to be princesses, ninjas, polar bears, Batman, peacocks, and many more….

Our Smartboard was set up last week and this Monday we got to play on it!  The Smartboard is used in all types of lessons, including having some fun.  Our students played a find the turkey game to get used to using their eagle eye on the Smartboard...

We are very thankful for our Smartboard.  This week we continue to talk about what we are thankful for, the Mayflower and pilgrims, and (of course) turkeys!

Check back soon for what our students are most thankful for.


  1. What GREAT turkeys! And thanks for the classroom pictures!

  2. I am TOTALLY impressed with the Turkeys! They are all sooooo great!
